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FORMER FRENCH TEACHER WHO CREATES MIRACLES. Path to a business idea is not always straightforward

The idea to do micro-embroidery came to Natalja unexpectedly. She was teaching French at school for many years, but then a moment came when she decided to quit due to too much stress and a burnout.In this situation, she had a possibility to pay more attention to her long-lasting passion for history and architecture of Riga. Natalja walked around the city a lot, took photos and posted them in social networks. This is where she met interesting women from various countries who were fond of vintage micro-embroidery.

She considered this style very interesting, but did not know where to start. Natalja’s daughter, who found out about the mother’s new hobby, gifted her a wonderful rare book about 19th century embroidery by Raffaelle Serena called “L’art du petit points” (The Art of Small Dots). This book, which was full of designs and patterns, made a beginning of Natalja’s deep immersion into microembroidery, which led to a business establishment. The entrepreneur also came up with a name for her brand – “Mon dada” that means “My hobby horse” in French.

Recently, the master added satin stitch embroidery items to her product range, which allowed her to attract a younger audience that loves original and modern creations. Natalja sells her products at exhibitions and fairs, via social networks and also accepts orders. She recalls her first experience of participation in an exhibition with a smile. She was so nervous that could not say a word about her brooches and her neighbour had to help her.

Now Natalja is happy to present her products and communicate with clients.

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