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The third project partners’ meeting – online again

It is a joke, that the first one event is accidental, the second is a coincidence, and the third is already a trend. For the second time, partners’ meeting of the Project “BeLL to Start Business“ was organized online due to COVID 19 situation. We keep our fingers crossed so that the coincidence remains the coincidence, and next time we will meet live.

During the meeting it was discussed the implemented activities in the second period of the project: development of the online learning platform, increase of the project mentors team, work on Guidelines and implementation of international event “Find yourself in business”. It was welcomed that the participants gave positive feedback to the efforts of the organizers and expressed a desire to participate in other similar events.

After evaluation of the second period, the third period was discussed, hoping that all planned events will take place in live.

The meeting was organized 21 of May.

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